Br 4 Accountants

To find your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number, you’ll need to follow a few steps outlined by the tax authority in your country. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you locate your UTR number efficiently.

Check Tax Documents: 

Start by reviewing any tax documents you’ve received from the tax authority, such as tax returns, statements, or correspondence. Your UTR number may be printed on these documents.

Online Tax Account: 

Log in to your online tax account on the official website of the tax authority in your country. Once logged in, navigate to your account profile or settings section, where you may find your UTR number listed.


Look through any correspondence you’ve received from the tax authority, such as letters or emails. Your UTR number may be included in these communications.

Contact Tax Authority: 

If you’re unable to locate your UTR number through online channels or tax documents, consider contacting the tax authority directly. They may be able to provide you with your UTR number over the phone or via email, subject to identity verification.

Tax Advisor or Accountant: 

If you use the services of a tax advisor or accountant, they should have your UTR number on file. Reach out to them for assistance in locating your UTR number if you’re unable to find it yourself.

Previous Tax Returns: 

Review your previous tax returns, as your UTR number is typically required to file tax returns. Your UTR number may be printed on the tax return forms or accompanying documents.


For individuals in the UK, the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) website provides guidance on finding your UTR number, including accessing it through your online account or contacting HMRC directly for assistance.

Tax Identification Documents: 

Check any tax identification documents you may have, such as tax identification cards or certificates. Your UTR number may be listed on these documents.

Keep Records Secure: 

Once you’ve located your UTR number, ensure you keep it secure and confidential. Treat your UTR number like sensitive personal information and only share it when necessary for tax-related purposes.

How Long Does It Take to Find My UTR Number?

Finding your UTR number can vary in terms of time depending on the method you use and the responsiveness of the tax authority or relevant parties involved.

Immediate Access: 

If you have immediate access to your online tax account or tax documents, you may be able to find your UTR number quickly within minutes.

Contacting Tax Authority: 

Contacting the tax authority directly by phone or email may also yield relatively quick results, depending on their responsiveness and the efficiency of their customer service.

Online Search: 

Conducting an online search for guidance on finding your UTR number may provide instant access to instructions or resources that can help you locate it expediently.

Through Tax Advisor: 

If you’re working with a tax advisor or accountant, they may be able to provide you with your UTR number promptly if they have it on file.

Request Processing Time: 

If you’re requesting your UTR number from the tax authority or relevant parties, the processing time may vary depending on their workload, policies, and procedures. It could take a few days to receive a response.

Verification Process: 

Keep in mind that some methods of obtaining your UTR number, such as contacting the tax authority, may require identity verification, which could add additional time to the process.

Document Review: 

If you’re reviewing tax documents or correspondence to find your UTR number, the time it takes will depend on how quickly you can locate the relevant information within the documents.

Appointment Scheduling: 

If you need to schedule an appointment or visit a tax office in person to obtain your UTR number, the availability of appointments and office hours may impact the overall time it takes to find your UTR number.

Follow-Up Communication: 

Depending on the complexity of your request or the responsiveness of the tax authority, you may need to follow up with additional communication to obtain your UTR number, which could extend the time it takes.

Third-Party Involvement: 

If you’re relying on third parties, such as employers or pension providers, to provide you with your UTR number, the time it takes may depend on their internal processes and responsiveness.

Technical Issues: 

Occasionally, technical issues with online systems or communication channels may delay the process of finding your UTR number, requiring troubleshooting or alternative methods.

Holiday or Peak Periods: 

During holiday seasons or peak periods, such as tax filing deadlines, the volume of inquiries and requests may increase, potentially causing delays in obtaining your UTR number.

Efficiency of Systems: 

The efficiency and reliability of the systems used by the tax authority or relevant parties to process requests for UTR numbers can impact the overall time it takes to receive your UTR number.

Accuracy of Information Provided: 

Providing accurate and complete information when requesting your UTR number can help expedite the process and reduce the likelihood of delays due to incorrect or incomplete information.

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